
How To Remove Texturizer From Hair

To be completely honest, when I first head the words "hair texturizer," I had a brief WTF moment. Like, I'k super familiar with relaxers, but...texturizers? Are they the verbal opposite blazon of treatment? Apparently, nope. According to the pros, texturizers are quick chemical treatments that loosen your whorl pattern (read: non a treatment that will add even more texture to your curls). But the key word here is "loosen," meaning texturizers won't leave you with stick-straight pilus, but instead create a softer curl that's mostly easier to style.

That said, there's a lot to keep in heed when it comes to deciding if texturizers are right for your pilus, which is why I chosen up a few hairstylists for their skilful opinions (namely, how texturizers work, how long they final, and whether or not they're damaging). Go along scrolling for everything you lot've ever wanted to know about texturizers, plus all the hair products y'all'll want to take on hand for the best experience possible (spoiler: Deep-workout treatments are nonnegotiable).

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What is a texturizer?

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Dissimilar a relaxer, which straightens your hair, a texturizer is a chemical process that smooths and de-frizzes your hair while maintaining some of your natural curls. "A texturizer is similar a wink relaxer," says Courtney Foster, hairstylist and founder of Courtney Foster Beauty. Basically, while relaxing solutions are commonly left on your pilus for 15 to 25 minutes, texturizers are left on for as little as 5 minutes. "The purpose of a texturizer is to slightly loosen your roll blueprint instead of making information technology completely straight," she says. And because information technology's not left on your hair as long as a relaxer is, it'south not quite equally damaging (at least, when they're used correctly, that is).

BTW: Texturizers aren't perms, and then they aren't necessarily going to create texture (particularly if you're working with, say, straight hair). Co-ordinate to Stacey Ciceron, natural hair expert and Oribe brand ambassador, "the biggest misconception with texturizers is that they'll give y'all loose curls, but they really just loosen the natural pattern you already take," she says. "Some people apply texturizers to loosen their curls, and some people texturize to make their curls or coils easier to work with."

Simply don't look your coils to be transformed in i engagement, since the results can vary from person to person. "You lot can't predict the perfect result of a texturizer, so there's a chance you'll be left with a variety of different textures on your head at once," says Foster. The general dominion of pollex? Brand sure yous're (A) going to a professional person hairstylist who knows what they're doing, and (B) starting with a consultation before you get your treatment so y'all have a meliorate thought of what to wait.

Tin can yous texturize your hair at abode?

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Okay, here'south the matter: Fifty-fifty though you can technically use a texturizer at home, it's fashion safer to book an appointment with a professional hairstylist—especially if it'due south your beginning time. Simply like relaxers, texturizers use chemicals to restructure your hair (more on that in a bit), and so it's best to come across a pro if you want to avoid scalp and/or hair damage in the long run.

If you lot do determine to DIY your texturizer, you'll want to read the instructions to a T and—this one'south extra important!—make sure you leave your texturizer on only for the suggested corporeality of time (anything longer and y'all definitely run the adventure of irritation or damage, so be careful). Need a visual? The tutorial above is a corking place to become started.

Are texturizers improve than relaxers?

Despite the fact that some people look at texturizers as a more "natural" alternative to relaxers, there are actually no chemical differences between the ii treatments. "They are both processing creams fabricated with either sodium hydroxide—aka lye—or calcium—aka no-lye—that restructure the bonds in your hair," says Foster.

That means if you're similar me and hoping that you lot'd still be considered a naturalista mail-texturizer, you lot'll be five disappointed (and, well, incorrect). As soon as a texturizer sits on your pilus, it restructures the amino bonds inside each strand, meaning it's no longer considered natural. "The makeup for a texturizer is a relaxer," says Foster, so it volition change your hair's natural texture.

One more affair to keep in listen: Even though a relaxer will straighten your pilus and a texturizer volition loosen your ringlet pattern, both treatments are permanent. "The only style to get rid of it is to grow the hair out or cut the treated strands," says Ciceron.

Do texturizers harm your pilus?

Fifty-fifty if your hair is healthy and strong AF, there's ever a gamble that your strands volition become damaged when a stylist applies chemicals. That said, "texturizers generally aren't left on the hair long enough to create significant damage unless the hair is also color-treated," says Ciceron. And, co-ordinate to Amoy Pitters, celebrity hairstylist and founder of Amoy Couture Salon in New York, if your texturizer is "done the right way," significant you get a deep-conditioning handling, your stylist uses the right mix of products for your pilus, and your ends are trimmed, "you lot'll probably be fine."

Equally with whatsoever chemical treatment though, y'all can e xpect your hair to experience dry and thirsty as hell later your texturizer engagement, so you'll need to give your curls plenty of TLC in-between salon appointments with hydrating conditioners and get out-ins (I'thou a fan of the TGIN Miracle RepaiRx Protective Leave In Conditioner or the Pattern Leave In Conditioner). P.South., These are some of my personal fave conditioners you should take on deck:

Do natural texturizers piece of work?

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Even though yous can probably find a texturizer at your local drugstore that says its natural, you're likely yet getting a chemical-based formula. That's because any treatment that permanently straightens or relaxes your pilus requires chemicals—no exceptions. Still, if you lot're looking for sleeker hair with minimal impairment, texturizers aren't your simply option.

"If a customer comes in and wants their hair smoother without totally losing their roll pattern, I recommend a Brazilian blowout rather than a texturizer, which doesn't break down the hair bonds," says Pitters. At the end of the day though, only you—and ideally a trusted stylist—can determine which treatment and formula is best for your hair. Then when in doubt, do your enquiry and ask tons of Qs before you commit to anything, k?

How long do texturizers last?

Ane more than fourth dimension for the folks in the back: Texturizers are permanent. If you no longer desire to commit to a texturizer, you'll accept to cutting off the treated hair or wait for new hair to grow in. BTW: If you like the results, y'all'll demand to affect upwardly your texturizer every 8 to ten weeks at the hair salon. In those two-plus months, you lot should have some new growth that volition need to be treated for your hair textures to match upwards. "Some people desire to do information technology every 3 months, but it depends on their texture of hair," says Pitters. "You don't want to take two different scroll patterns."

What's the bottom line?

A texturizer is a relatively quick style to achieve frizz-free curls, with a pretty chill upkeep since touchups are only needed every two to three months. The simply upshot: Texturizers are still chemic treatments that tin can cause breakage if they aren't applied correctly or cared for later. Since it's a permanent process, the only way to get rid of texturized pilus is to start fresh and chop it all off. Personally, I'm not set up to relive the large chop once again, so I'll continue to wear my natural hair in protective styles until further detect.

Beauty Editor Nicole Saunders is the Beauty Editor at, where she oversees coverage on all things beauty.

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